Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday and beyond SALE!

Use the coupon code "blackfriday" during checkout in either of my etsy stores. It can be used from now until the 6th of December to receive 25% off of your purchase.

Check things out! :) 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stuff I've been working on, and newly listed mini painting!

The top of my art dresser, some of the items need to be packed and shipped out to their owners, and the others finished, but it's fun to see what I've been doing lately. All bunched together. :)

The little mermaid girl is on canvas with metallic and iridescent inks and comes with an wooden easel that is stained red to match the mermaid tail. She is very small 3x3 inches in real life. She looks really cute in person and the easel makes it easy to display her practically anywhere!